About KarriAnn



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Kaleidescapes Of Light


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KarriAnn & Kaleidescapes Of Light





Karri Ann is the "Soul-Founder" of Kaleidescapes Of Light,


Co-Created with the many Divine Beings of Love & Light.



Please follow your guidance when perusing our website, letting your heart lead the way! Just be open and receptive and click where you are drawn.


I invite you to experience many different levels of consciousness for

Healing ~Science~ Spirituality~ Enchantment ~ Magical ~Fantasy.

Enjoy your visit!
Many Blessings for an experience full of healing, bliss, peace, love and joy!


Karri Ann has studied Wellness, Science, Counseling, Metaphysics and the Spiritual Realms for over 25 years. The extensive specialized education & training and diverse personal & professional experience are complemented by her intuitive gifts & abilities. Karri Ann specifically works with the Angelic, Ascended Master Realms, & Spirit Guides utilizing all of her Clair-Senses to offer a unique, accurate, transformational & empowering experience.


~ Karri Ann is an Angel Therapy Practitioner®, Medium, & Past Life Healer, Certified by
    Doreen Virtue, PhD.


~ A Spiritual Healer, Earth Steward, and Ordained Minister, Certified by the International
    Assembly of Spiritual Healers & Earth Stewards.


~ A Master Of Crystology, a Spiritual Life Guide, an Egyptian Healing Practitioner, an
    Atlantean Reiki Master, an Usui Reiki Master /Teacher, a Certified ARCH & Rainbow
    Rays Practitioner, a Hands-On-Healing Practitioner.


In addition, Karri Ann holds a Bachelor Of Science Degree, Nutrition & Fitness Degree~ emphasis within Health Promotion Management & Recreation, and a Travel School Degree. She has extensively studied Counseling and Psychology in College and beyond.


Karri Ann has extensive experience working interactively with adults, teens, and children both within group home environments and outside of these facilities. These individuals had varying degrees of severity with abuse, addictions, mental & emotional issues, eating disorders, suicide attempts, being considered "at-risk", and many other areas of need not mentioned. Social, behavioral, and life skills education and integration were an important focus in the programs.


Karri Ann's background and experience help to assist you by creating a very unique, individual experience, no matter which level of consciousness you have reached. The variety of Healing Realms & Healing Modalities available to you, provide you with the opportunity to explore new avenues to healing, as well as, allow you to expand your Higher Consciousness along with the Physical, Spiritual, Mental, Emotional & Heart aspects. Every experience and guidance is personal and individual, always reflected in Divine Love, Light & Truth, with the Highest of Healing Intentions for all involved.


Karri Ann began seeing, feeling, and just knowing energies and spirits at a very young age. She later began to expand and explore her gifts and connections to those beings and energies within this earthly realm and also with those "not of this world". Even though there were times of wandering away from her true gifts, living routinely, experiencing great loss and hardship, heartache, & at times feeling very alone, her Guides, Angels and many Divine Beings were always with her lighting each step of the way. One day all of her Divine Beings & helpers spoke so loudly that she could no longer ignore their pleas. She chose to fully accept and receive all the tremendous blessings and miracles that were continually showering all around her. Then together, Karri Ann and all of her Divine Beings, Angels, Guides, and other Helpers worked together to bring to fruition the Divinely Co-Created

~Kaleidescapes Of Light~


Karri Ann has always had a tremendous love & respect for animals, nature, the environment , and people. She has always felt like a guardian of all life, especially the animal & plant kingdoms. She has held a deep desire and willingness to assist in raising the awareness and consciousness of humanity, and with a firm commitment in helping to heal the planet, one person, animal, plant and being, at a time.


Love & Light ~ Peace & Truth ~ Angel Blessings To All!


Karri Ann
Kaleidescapes Of Light